lol I was kind of free so I was doing some thinking and I've come up with a list of the top 4 of the naughtiest things I've ever done. haha. here we go, in no particular order.
1. When I was in K2 or Primary 1 or so, my whole family went on a trip to Tioman (East Malaysia). From Singapore, we had to take a ferry to reach Tioman island. On the ferry, we ran into this Singaporean family which consisted of two parents and two daughters, both of the daughters also somewhere around my age then. I can't remember whether we ran into this family again during our stay on the island itself, but on our return ferry back to Singapore, we bumped into them again. Well, I happened to be eating bubble gum at that time, and I don't know why I did it, but after I finished chewing on the piece of gum in my mouth, I took the whole lump of it and stuck it onto one of the girls' hair. Trust me, she must have had a really hard and painful time trying to get all of the gum off. When I reached home my dad scolded me like hell.. and also whacked me really hard on the palm with a ruler. I never forgot that funny little incident till this day. lol.
2. When I was in Primary 6, after school one day, my good friend and I decided to get some bubble tea from a shop nearby my house. haha at that time bubble tea was the IN thing man.. I can still remember.. lol. after the bubble tea craze came the Luo Han Fish craze.. but that's not what I am about to talk about. Ok so after getting our bubble tea, we walked around below my block and drank and drank. We drank until most of the drink was finished, leaving only the pearls. So we came up with a game to shoot each other with the pearls. It started off with only shooting each other, then it moved to shooting the things around us, then finally, I looked up and saw that there was a house on the second floor with the kitchen window open. lol. yup, I think you can guess what happened next. We shot the remaining pearls in our cup all the way upstairs through the window into that poor little family's house. If I'm not wrong, there were some clothes hanging there at the time too and some of the pearls probably got onto the clothes as well.. haha.
3. During Secondary One, there was this creative writing competition whereby the topic was given to the participants beforehand and that the participants were allowed to go home and prepare for it, only that no notes were allowed inside during the actual writing of the essay itself. I signed up, then during the next few days I asked my sister to help me draft up an essay. Literally a whole essay, not just the points. lol. Then lazy me simply memorised the WHOLE essay word for word and regurgitated everything during the actual writing of the essay. I came in first, definitely, because the quality of the essay was way beyond the level of a Secondary One student. haha. Although I didn't bring in any notes, the whole essay wasn't mine so still feel that I cheated. lol.
4. This last one, I think I've mentioned it before. When we were studying for the A Levels, there were a few times when we went to the Airport to study. There was once I think when Rongjun Terence and me went to the toilet together. When I walked in, I saw that the doors of the toilet were those whereby you could open with a coin when the user locks it from inside. So, seeing that I had some nails, I happily placed my thumbnail into the nearest door and turned. I didn't push, so the person inside probably felt safe and happy s**ting inside. The thing is, other people who just walk in won't know there's someone inside if they see the 'vacant' sign. The biggest joke is that someone else walked in about half a minute later and he seemed in quite a hurry so he just quickly pushed on the door that I unlocked a while before, and what happened next is really hard to describe coz it won't sound as funny as when I saw it with my own eyes lol. The guy practically ran/jumped back out of the cubicle! I not sure whether the guy inside chased him out or whether he came out by himself because he saw what he shouldn't have. hahaha. damn funny. damn bad also, I know. :)
some random pictures!

Cute Limzy with his trademark cute face. lol. :D

my favourite move of the climb! the dynamic jump for that unfriendly little pocket. lol I couldn't reach it without jumping.. luckily I managed to get it. :)

this picture still makes me laugh whenever I look at it. Look at Chick's expression! LOLLLLL.

SHU the crosser!
ROMEO! Darren's cute little darling. =D
Pastamania with the climbers

funny picture taken at a funny angle.. we probably didn't know it was going to be taken. But anyway it turned out quite ok lol.
The Pole Man!
haha a random picture with a random group of people. lol. =D
thanks for the memories..