here's an update of my rather routine life! kind of lag though haha sorry for not updating for quite sometime. ok lets see.. I was posted to SISPEC--
School of Infantry Specialists-- after BMT.. and next week will be the fourth week already.. :)
life in SISPEC quite different from BMT... they give trainees more autonomy over their own activities and treat us with more respect than before. Of course, the training is much tougher.. but as always it is the friends around you that will pull you through.. haha. quite happy that I have bunk mates that are quite nice. :) The food is nicer than BMT too, in my opinion. really really nice la! I always put "Great" for the food surveys. =D
I'm currently in
Charlie Company... the good thing is, it's nearest the main gate so booking in and out will be faster. BUT, based on what we've observed so far, we've concluded that Charlie is the most xiong company around in BSLC (Basic Section Leaders' Course), correct me if I'm wrong lol. Morning 5BX never is 5 BASIC Exercises. LOL. The name should be changed to 13 BX instead. This week's highest count for Buddha Claps during 5 BX was already 140 counts of 4... hmmm I wonder if we'll hit 300 counts of 4 by the end of course. lol nice sergeant major sia. :)
the tempo is going to pick up.. live range is next week... then all the field camps will start kicking in, and before you know it, it's time to pass out again.. don't know if I should be hoping to go ASLC or get posted somewhere else.. everyone else is dreading ASLC for some reason, which I am still trying to figure out. In the first place, by putting "yes" to command school, they would already have thought that they may have to be put through this path right? or even worse, maybe OCS, which could be even tougher? so I am puzzled when everyone says they want to go anywhere but ASLC. lol. but regardless of whether I hope to go or not, I can't choose. so no need to think too much. haha.
looked through some of the photos taken at the BMT POP... here are some of them.. =D

the march-past

Dad and Mum

Dad, my sister and Mum

This is Sergeant Sahlan. He's a really nice sergeant by the way. :)

My sister wearing the smelly and dirty jockey cap lol. =D